B.A. AtajantsPh.D. (Eng.),General Director of Open Company Enterprise «Kontakt-1»
V.M. Davydochkin Dr.Sc. (Eng.), the Chief of Department of the Microwave Oven of Devices and Aerials
V.V. Ezerskiy Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor of Chair of Radio Management and Communication
Statement of a problem. Broad application of short-range frequency range finders in various practical applications causes continuous emergence of new algorithms of processing of a signal of differential frequency.
Purpose. Comparison of characteristics of the most perspective algorithms on the level of an error, achievable in ideal conditions, extent of its deterioration due to influence of hindrances and noise, to speed and complexity of practical realization.
Results. Comparison is executed by means of numerical modeling. Four modern algorithms are considered. It is shown that in the absence of the disturbing reflections the minimum error and time of measurement is provided by the algorithm using quadrature components of a signal of differential frequency on condition of their ideal hardware formation. In actual practice works as the best the algorithm on the basis of square approximation of the main petal of spectral density on seven points added with an algorithm on the basis of a method of maximum likelihood for specification of result of measurement in the presence of the disturbing reflection against the background of noise is.
Practical importance. The received results allow is proved to choose an algorithm of processing of a signal of differential frequency in specific conditions of practical application.
Atajants B.A., Davydochkin V.M., Ezerskiy V.V. Analysis of characteristics of algorithms processings of the signal
of differential frequency short-range frequency range finder. Radiotekhnika.2020. V.84. № 11(21). P. 13−22.
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202011(21)-02 (In Russian).
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