I.O. Porokhov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Sector
E-mail: post@cnrti.ru
A.A. Kondratyev – Head of Department
E-mail: post@cnrti.ru
V.P. Popov – Engineer 1st category E-mail: post@cnrti.ru
In this paper, a wideband active elliptically polarized antennas to achieve a 5:1 bandwidth are proposed. A turnstile active antenna (a crossed-dipole active antenna) is maintained throughout the 100–500 MHz band. An active turnstile antenna consists of a printed circuit board with a size of 450×450 mm, on which crossed symmetric dipoles are located. A square resonator with a depth of 150 mm shields the rear hemisphere of the antenna. A feed network turnstile active antenna splitting an input into four (0°, 90°, 180° and 270° ) orthogonal phases of equal amplitudes and connected to four arms crossed-dipole.
In the range of 400−2000 MHz, the passive spiral antenna is made in the form of a printed circuit board, on which the topology of a two-arm Archimedean spiral is placed. Passive spiral antenna is used coaxial balun based on the design by Marchand.
The width of the strip conductor of the spiral is 1 mm, the gap between the turns is 1 mm. The diameter of the spiral structure is 260 mm, the material of the printed circuit board is fiberglass with a thickness of 2 mm. A metallization ring closes the peripheral turns of the spirals of different branches among themselves. To create unidirectional reception, the printed spiral board is placed above the screen. The distance from the printed circuit board to the screen was chosen less than half the wavelength at the highest frequency of the operating range to avoid deformation of the main maximum of the radiation pattern.
For the 400–2000 MHz active spiral antenna is applied. Instead of the Marchand balun, amplifying elements with out-of-phase power divider are used. The performance of the active spiral antenna is compared with passive spiral antenna. The antennas are fabricated and measured.
Porokhov I.O., Kondratyev A.A., Popov V.P. Elliptical polarized active antennas. Radiotekhnika. 2020. V. 84. № 10(20). P. 54−63. DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202010(20)-07 (In Russian).
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