A.L. Gorbunov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Professor, Adviser of Rector Office,
Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation
E-mail: a.gorbunov@mstuca.aero
E.E. Nechaev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Air Traffic Control, Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation
E-mail: e.nechaev@mstuca.aero
The combination of the following tendencies in today’s air traffic control (ATC): a) a growth of flight intensity in airline hubs, b) the development of area navigation methods, c) the implementation of continuous descent/climb trajectories and d) an increase of the computational capabilities of control systems, will inevitably lead to automatic ATC in the near future: the sequences of take-offs and landings, arbitrarily laid continuous descent/climb trajectories; changes of sequence and flight paths will be set without human participation. However, there is no doubt that a human controller will retain the function of visual monitoring for air traffic in order to control the actions of the automatic control system and pilots. In any method of flight control, a human pilot will retain a similar function of visually monitoring the flight path.
The currently used display devices of the ATC systems, providing 2D or 3D image on mono flat screens, are totally inadequate to the task of monitoring arbitrarily laid continuously variable trajectories that can dynamically change. The traditional 2D route plan on the flat screen does not allow one to control the continuous change of altitude and the height intersection of flight trajectories; a 3D-image on a flat screen can mislead the observer about the geometry of the image elements and has a limited field of view, which complicates orientation while observing the dynamically changing routing. The same considerations apply to air surveillance devices for pilots.
The solution is the observation of air traffic in virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) by means of autonomous wearable devices. Augmented reality technology is a derivative form of virtual reality. AR retains all of the possibilities of VR, but beyond this, it has considerable advantages that stem from the parallel presence of virtual and real objects in one scene. The VR/AR use in ATC domain embraces applications for the controllers working at control towers in airports (linking of real aircraft and their flight parameters for a situation awareness improvement, x-ray vision in low visibility conditions); remote towers systems (video panorama solutions and 3D modelling); training systems for air traffic controllers (safe modelling of dangerous situations in the real environment). The works published last 15 years are presented in the review.
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