N.N. Voit – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor,
Department «Computer Science», Ulyanovsk state technical University
E-mail: n.voit@ulstu.ru
S.Yu. Kirillov – Post-graduate Student,
Department «Computer Science», Ulyanovsk State Technical University
E-mail: kirillovsyu@gmail.com
M.Ye. Ukhanova – Post-graduate Student,
Department «Computer Science», Ulyanovsk State Technical University
E-mail: mari-u@inbox.ru
S.I. Bochkov – Post-graduate Student,
Department «Computer Science», Ulyanovsk State Technical University
E-mail: bochkovsi@ido.ulstu.ru
I.S. Ionova – Post-graduate Student,
Department «Computer Science», Ulyanovsk State Technical University
E-mail: epira@mail.ru
S.I. Brigadnov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Junior Research Scientist,
Ulyanovsk State Technical University
E-mail: sergbrig@yandex.ru
To develop design and technological documentation, as well as to manage the process of design and technological preparation of production, an urgent task is to develop software and information methods and means for extracting design characteristics and product parameters from PLM systems for managing the life cycle of complex technical objects. The article provides an overview of modern software tools that allow you to extract a design description, documentation from design decisions made in CAD: ADEM, Creo Flexible Modeling Extension, Geomagic Design X, CAD TP, and others. The considered systems allow you to form a history of the construction of the design solution and display it to the designer.
A new method has been developed for extracting the design characteristics of the product from the life cycle management systems of complex technical objects, the essence of which is to build a semantic model for the design solution of engineering products made in CAD, or objects created in PLM systems as a result of the designer working with specialized plug-ins. A number of models have been developed that constitute the scientific basis of the method for extracting design characteristics: a technical requirement model (technical requirement for a part or assembly unit obtained from customer technical requirements), technical task model (attribute part of the corresponding PDM-system object, related to the terms of task fulfillment and their performers), a model of parts and assembly units (initial data for the analysis of the history of building a design solution for CAD), a model of design operations for a solid-state model in CAD, a source data model for classifying CAD design decisions, a model of parameters and characteristics of parts and assembly units.
A feature of the proposed developed method is the ability to extract data and parameters of the design decision as a result of its analysis, highlighting and forming the history of building a three-dimensional model in the form of a sequence of design operations of solid modeling in CAD, performed by the designer. As a result of the analysis of a complex technical object, its construction tree is formed, a list of assembly units with numerical parameters, a technical requirement, which are recorded in the file storage of the PLM system. Technical requirements in the PLM system are presented as a requirements tree, which contains the main characteristics, parameters and product description. Based on the requirements, a project is being worked out and a product division scheme is being formed, which is the basis for developing a design schedule and technical specifications.
An algorithm has been developed for the formation or addition of technical requirements for a product, an algorithm for the formation or addition of technical specifications for a product, an algorithm for constructing a semantic model of a design solution. The authors proposed a theoretical assessment of the effectiveness of the designer using a system for extracting design characteristics from PLM. On average, the reduction in the time of the design activity of the designer in CAD using the proposed system, which is based on a new method of data extraction, is 11%.
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- Afanasyev A., Voit N., Ionova I., Ukhanova M., Yepifanov V. Development of the Intelligent System of Engineering Education for Corporate Use in the University and Enterprises. Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL). 27−29 September 2017. Budapest (Hungary). P. 878−889.
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- Afanasyev N., Brigadnov S.I., Voit N.N., Afanasyeva T.V. Development of the automated system for design solutions’ analysis at CAD KOMPAS-3D. Data Science and Knowledge Engineering for Sensing Decision Support. October 2018. 95−102. https://doi.org/10.1142/9789813273238_0015.