D.A. Evsevichev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor,
Department of Aviation Engineering,
Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute
E-mail: denistk_87@mail.ru
M.K. Samokhvalov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor,
Department «Design and technology of electronic tools»,
Ulyanovsk State Technical University
E-mail: sam@ulstu.ru
An important problem in the educational process in higher and secondary educational institutions of training is rapidly aging in modern conditions of development of laboratory equipment. This problem was faced by a team of authors during the training on the study of communication, navigation and surveillance of civil aviation. The next problem is that the existing laboratory facilities require the inclusion of informative test objects during training, which is very costly, and sometimes impossible. In addition, built-in simulators do not always provide all the necessary types of training.
A possible solution to the problems presented is the development of a set of software products that simulate the operation of communication systems, navigation and radar, which will automate the learning process and improve its quality and complexity. Analysis of the existing approaches to the design of simulators has led to the conclusion that the hybrid approach has the greatest potential in the development of complex systems of virtual simulators used to train a large number of students with a small number of experts. However, to solve the applied problem of the author's team to teach small groups of students simple interactions with the systems of radio technical support of flights, a scenario approach is seen to be more effective, which allows a more flexible approach to the performance of tasks and their evaluation.
To improve the quality of practical development of radio equipment for flight support, the concept of designing simulators for implementation in the educational process of educational institutions of civil aviation on the basis of a scenario approach to the design of virtual simulators was developed. The developed software products, simulating the operation of the systems of radio technical support of flights, allow to conduct training of aviation specialists in an automated mode. As part of the course of aviation telecommunications, the team of authors developed a simulator of the remote control system «CORMORANT» for the performance of laboratory work by cadets, which allows to study the possibilities and features of the onboard radio station. This transceiver station provides searchless and undisturbed radio communication in simplex mode of aircraft crews with air traffic controllers of ground services, as well as with other crews. To study the aerodrome radar survey station «Ekran-85» was developed in Delphi7 program «Radar» using the imperative structured object-oriented programming language. The simulator «Groza», which allows to study the possibilities and features of the onboard weather navigation radar, the use of the software in the educational process allows you to study the principles of operation and the device of the survey weather navigation radar and understand the basic principles of air navigation. Interactive interaction with the means of radio-technical support of flights makes it possible to fully explore these systems, to study the basic principles of their operation and acquire the necessary skills for their use in real conditions for students of higher and secondary educational institutions of aviation specialists training. The results of research and development were tested in the educational process at the Ulyanovsk Institute of civil aviation in the preparation of students. The approbation showed that the use of automation greatly simplifies the solution of tasks of training and training of aviation specialists, and the study of on-Board means by dispatchers and ground dispatching means by pilots will improve the professional interaction of crews and dispatching services.
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