R.S. Kulikov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Head of Department of Radio Systems,
«National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow)
E-mail: coolicoff@gmail.com
A.A. Chugunov – Post-graduate Student,
Department of Radio Systems, «National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow)
E-mail: iamchugunov@gmail.com
Particular attention in intelligent transport systems is given to ensure the safety and reliability of the transport process. There are plethora of approaches being investigated and offered. Most of them are based on additional on-board sensors, besides that the most sophisticated are based on inter-vehicle communication and sharing of measurements. Others are based on substational modification of road infrastructure. Adding external sensors and sensors to vehicles is a significant obstacle to scaling such solutions. On the one hand, a smartphone is both an external measuring device, in fact, a receiver of navigation signals, and a means of communication between vehicles. This makes it possible to share measurements of neighboring cars. But on the other hand, smartphones do not provide positioning accuracy sufficient to prevent car collisions. The typical location error for smartphones is units of meters and more. In a number of articles, a submeter (sometimes centimeter) positioning error was achieved using various navigation methods (PPP – Precise Point Positioning, RTK – Real Time Kinematics), but in these articles the measurements were carried out in «ideal» conditions when the smartphone is in the open, on the roof of a tall building or on special tripod. In practice, a smartphone is used in a car in urban areas, where some of the navigation satellites are obscured by a metal roof and tall buildings. That’s why the study of location error in real conditions is of particular interest. Using of raw GNSS measurements in Andoid smartphones for precise mututal positioning of vehicles on a road is considered in the Paper. Field experiments with two moving vehicles and pedestrian were conducted. 15 kinds of general maneuvers were provided (overtaking, turn, oncoming traffic, etc.). Smartphone measurements were logged and post-processed to get mutual positioning estimations during maneuvering. Smartphone estimations were compared with precision GNSS receivers measurements.
- F. de Ponte Müller. Survey on ranging sensors and cooperative techniques for relative positioning of vehicles. Sensors. 2017. V. 17. № 2. P. 271.
- Simon Banville, Frank van Diggelen. Precise GNSS for Everyone: Precise Positioning Using Raw GPS Measurements from Android Smartphones. GPS WORLD. 2016. 27. 43−48.
- Humphreys, Todd E., Murrian, Matthew, Frank van Diggelen, Sergei Podshivalov, Pesyna, Kenneth M.Jr. On the Feasibility of cm-Accurate Positioning via a Smartphone's Antenna and GNSS Chip. Proceedings of IEEE/ION PLANS 2016. Savannah, GA. April 2016. P. 232−242.
- Scott Stephenson, Xiaolin Meng, Terry Moore, Anthony Baxendale, Tim Edwards. Network RTK for Intelligent Vehicles. GPS World. February 2013.
- Simon Banville, Frank van Diggelen. Precise GNSS for Everyone: Precise Positioning Using Raw GPS Measurements from Android Smartphones. GPS WORLD. 2016. V. 27. P. 43−48.
- Pirazzi, Gabriele, Mazzoni, Augusto, Biagi, Ludovico, Crespi, Mattia. Preliminary Performance Analysis with a GPS+Galileo Enabled Chipset Embedded in a Smartphone». Proceedings of the 30th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2017). Portland (Oregon). September 2017. P. 101−115.
- Lu, Yangwei, Ji, Shengyue, Chen, Wu, Wang, Zhenjie. Assessing the Performance of Raw Measurement from Different Types of Smartphones. Proceedings of the 31st International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2018). Miami (Florida). September 2018. P. 304−322.
- Warnant, René, De Vyvere, Laura Van, Warnant, Quentin. Positioning with Single and Dual Frequency Smartphones Running Android 7 or Later. Proceedings of the 31st International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2018). Miami (Florida). September 2018. P. 284−303.
- Laurichesse, Denis, Rouch, Cedric, Marmet, Francois-Xavier, Pascaud, Matthieu. Smartphone Applications for Precise Point Positioning», Proceedings of the 30th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2017). Portland (Oregon). September 2017. P. 171−187.
- Sharma, Himanshu, Schütz, Andreas, Pany, Thomas. Emulating the Smartphone GNSS Receiver to Understand and Analyze the Anomalies in RTK Positioning using GNSS Raw Measurements». Proceedings of the 2019 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, Reston, Virginia, January 2019. P. 577−582.
- Liu, Wei, Liu, Bingcheng, Chen, Xiao. Multi-sensor Fusion Algorithm Based on GPS/MEMS-IMU Tightly Coupled for Smartphone Navigation Application. Proceedings of the 30th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2017). Portland (Oregon). September 2017. P. 2973−2980.
- Wu, Zida, Liu, Peilin, Liu, Qiang, Wang, Yuze. MEMS-based IMU Assisted Real Time Difference Using Raw Measurements from Smartphone. Proceedings of the 31st International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2018). Miami (Florida). September 2018. P. 445−454.
- Qiong Wu, Mengfei Sun, Changjie Zhou, Peng Zhang. Precise Point Positioning Using Dual-Frequency GNSS Observations on Smartphone. Sensors. May 2019.
- Kurum, Mehmet, Gurbuz, Ali Cafer, Nelson, Claudia, Orsini, Lauren, Scheider, Mia. On the Feasibility of Smartphone-based Interferometric GNSS Reflectometry. Proceedings of the ION 2019 Pacific PNT Meeting. Honolulu (Hawaii). April 2019. P. 635−640.