A.D. Vinogradov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Main Research Scientist,
MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)
E-mail: mvvad@mail.ru
A.Yu. Vostrov – Senior Designer,
JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez)
E-mail: a.y.vostrov.1988@mail.ru
I.S. Dmitriev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist,
JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez)
E-mail: dmiv@mail.ru
Satellite radio navigation systems are currently used to determine with high accuracy the coordinates and the angular orientation of the aircraft and the equipment placed on them (in particular, on-board direction finding antennas). Under the conditions of loss of signals from satellite radio navigation systems, the coordinates and angular orientation of aircraft can be determined using onboard autonomous navigation sensors and systems (inertial, geomagnetic). However, the disadvantage of on-board autonomous navigation sensors and systems is the deterioration of the accuracy of determining navigation parameters with an increase in the time interval since the calibration of sensors or systems. The coordinates and the angular orientation of the aircraft, having in its composition a direction-finding antenna, an altimeter, a radio reference point and, if necessary, a radio rangefinder, can be determined by an angular-altimeter or an angular-altimeter-distance-measuring method in the presence of a ground reference point containing a reference source of radio emission, a direction finder and if necessary, a radio range finder.
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