V.A. Kanakov – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Scientific Director,
LLC «AFS 52» (Nizhny Novgorod)
E-mail: kanakov57@yandex.ru
N.A. Mironov – Lecturer,
Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Information Technologies,
Nizhniy Novgorod Academy of Internal Affairs Ministry of RF E-mail: electro112@mail.ru
Modern solutions for extracting the target speaker voice from interference are associated with the use of microphone arrays. The geometry of the microphone array for solving applied problems is very diverse. The aim of this work is to compare the efficiency of extraction the voice of one person from a mixture of voices of four different people by three different configurations of multi-position systems of ten non-directional microphones. Each of them differ in the way of arrangement of microphones: placement of microphones on one side of the room (the distance between microphones is 67 cm), angular configuration of placement of microphones (the distance between microphones is 80 cm), and placement of microphones on the perimeter of the room (the distance between microphones is 200 cm). Microphones are located at the same height as the sources of speech. The experiment was carried out for a closed space of twenty four square meters. The sources of speech are stationary in space – sources coordinates are not changed. We neglect the reverberation of sound in the room. The coordinates of the sources of speech are assumed to be known. The algorithm known as delay-and-sum was selected as the simplest algorithm of processing of signals. The difference between the algorithm used in the work is the dependence of the time delay on the spatial coordinates of the focus point of the system. The criterions of quality are an objective assessment of the intelligibility and the signal-to-noise ratio of the speech fragment extracted from the mixture of voices. Audio recordings of voices of four different people are used as speech messages in this work. The calculation was performed for two different mutual arrangements of the sources of the useful signal and sources of interference: the useful source is located in the center of the room and the useful signal is shifted relative to the center. The analysis carried out in this article allows us to conclude that the best of the considered configurations for the extraction of voice messages from interference is the configuration with the placement of ten microphones on the perimeter of the room. The results of this work can be useful for specialists involved in the development of acoustic observation systems.
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