S.I. Boychuk – Head of Group,
A.E. Korovkin – Leading Engineer,
D.I. Razdorkin – Deputy Head on Science of Scientific and Technical Complex, FSUE «RNIIRS» FRPC
The article developed proposals for the construction of multi-range antenna-feeder devices (AFD) based on the modular arrangement principle using a single horn and recommendations for their use.
The technology of AFD development of multi-band of two-mirror antennas based on the use of typical elements is presented.
A practical implementation of AFD for multiband speakers is shown.
Examples are given of solving the problems of designing various AFD showing the efficiency of the technology associated with the use of the accumulated database of microwave projects - devices that make up the AFD.
Formulated recommendations for the construction of AFD with a single horn for multi-band antenna systems, which should include the following: in choosing the structure of the AFD the requirements for the frequency band to be accounted for:
if the frequency band does not exceed (45−50)%, polarization selection of signals is carried out, then frequency separation, with a wider frequency band; in other case polarization selection is carried out after frequency separation; in the case of designing a widerange AFD, it is necessary to include receiving dual-band diplexers in its composition; the technical solution for the construction of a diplexer must be a compromise between the simple realization of the device and the achievement of the required frequency band. The proposed examples of building a quad-band AFD with a corrugated horn using the modular construction principle showed that their electrical characteristics are not inferior to those of single- and dual-band AFD.
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