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Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Dual polarized concentrated-distributed phased antenna arrays of L-, S-ranges with a hemispherical workspace
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-201907(9)-21
UDC: 621.396.677

A.O. Kasyanov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Deputy head of science of a department, 


A.S. Zagrebnev – Head of Team, 


E.L. Logvinenko – Head of Laboratory, 


А.S. Chernyshеv – Head of Department, 



The choice of a structure of a concentrated-distributed antenna consisting of several modules (subarrays) of phased arrays, each of which operates in a solid angle of up to ± (50×50) (azimuth×elevation angle), where there are no shading elements, and the combined sector of operation of all modules ensures operation in a hemispherical space. This structure provides the opportunity to work both when placed on open sites without shading elements (all subarrays of phased arrays are placed under one fairing) and when placed on objects with a limited number of places that do not have shading elements (subarrays of phased arrays are spaced along the carrier body) upper hemisphere.

The choice of two convex L- and S-distributed antenna array frequency bands was made, providing simultaneous reception of left and right circular polarization signals from the upper hemisphere, in the form of quadrilateral truncated pyramids, on five edges of each of which are placed flat sublattices.

Using a constructive synthesis, an antenna system emitter was developed based on a turnstile printing vibrator with V-shaped shoulders for constructing flat phased arrays with a wide scanning sector. The designed emitter is characterized by simplicity of design, minimization of manual labor in the manufacture and therefore has low cost in production.

A method for receiving signals when switching between the subarrays of phased arrays on the border of their work sectors has been found, which makes it possible to preserve the amplitude and phase characteristics necessary for processing the radiosignal.

Designed, manufactured and investigated bipolarized concentrated distributed phased antenna arrays, providing reception of signals in the L-, S-frequency bands, hemispherical sector of work, gain not less than 7−9 dB in the whole sector of work, ellipticity coefficient not more than 3 dB, simultaneous reception of signals of the left and right circular polarizations from a point source located in arbitrary point of the upper hemisphere.

It has been determined that an antenna system having a conductive screen in the form of a circular disc allows in the 140° angular sector, ensure that the ellipticity coefficient does not exceed 3 dB for both signals of the right and left circular polarizations.

Pages: 194-201
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Date of receipt: 16 апреля 2019 г.