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Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Formation of nulls in radiation pattern of active phased antenna array using properties of Hermitian forms ratio when minimizing the radiation pattern distortions
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-201907(9)-20
UDC: 621.396.67

B.D. Manuilov – Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Leading Research Scientist, FSUE «RNIIRS» FRPC

M.B. Manuilov – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Dean of Physics Faculty

Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don)

S.A. Borodovskiy – Engineer of the 1st category, 


A.Y. Padiy – Engineer of the 1st category, 



The original shape of the radiation pattern (RP) of antenna array (AR) is not preserved in the case of spatial suppression of interferences using optimization methods which are based on the maximization of a certain energy functional. The article proposes an approach that ensures the preservation of the general form of the initial radiation pattern when suppressing of interference. This is achieved if the inverse matrix of the Hermitian form containing information about the power of noise and interference is multiplied by the same matrix of the Hermitian form in the absence of interferences when calculating the currents in the elements of the antenna array.

It is shown that another way of preserving the general form of radiation pattern during optimization is possible. In this approach a column vector of control signals is introduced, which is formed by the element wise multiplication of the vectors that determine the direction of signal reception and the shape of the radiation pattern. To find the currents in the antenna array elements the inverse matrix of the Hermitian form containing information about the power of noise and interference is multiplied by the vector of control signals.

The opportunities of the methods mentioned are demonstrated for three types of radiation patterns formed by active phased antenna arrays: cosecant RP, sector-shaped RP and Chebyshev RP. Numerical modeling has shown that the first approach in all cases gives the best results in terms of preserving the shape of the radiation pattern. It is shown that the form of radiation pattern is mainly preserved, when interference occurs within the main beam of a cosecant or sector-shaped radiation pattern.

The evaluation of the efficiency of the proposed method showed that when performing the main part of the calculations in advance the computation time (CPU time) of the complex amplitudes of the currents is relatively small and unlike other known methods the CPU time weakly depends on the number of interfering signals. Therefore, this method may be preferable in the case of a large number of interferences.

Pages: 186-193
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Date of receipt: 16 марта 2019 г.