V.V. Zadorozhnyy – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist,
L.I. Strelchenko – Engineer of the 2nd category,
S.A. Strelchenko – Leading Engineer,
Application of the active electronically steered array (AESA) in the communication systems and radar offer many promises with application flexibility. However, a lack of AESA is high cost owing to use of low-noise amplifiers and power amplifiers in each channel. There for AESA cost decreasing is one of priorities at design.
The purpose of the article is to decrease channels number in the AESA on the basis of topological optimization and the analysis of characteristics of AESA with the synthesized radiating systems topology.
The solution of the determining the radiating systems topology problem includes three main stages. At the first stage the formation of antenna elements groups fields in compliance with the specified tapered amplitude distribution and possible types of elements associations is carried out. At the second stage, the preliminary radiating systems topology of elements associations is made within fields which created at the first stage. At the third stage, optimization of preliminary radiating systems topology is carried with modified topological gradient algorithm. The features of its application are indicated.
The performed theoretical studies confirm the effectiveness of the method. Proposed method provides decrease the cost of AESA channels on 48,4% and 39,3% for square and round radiating systems shapes respectively.
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