S.E. Mishchenko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, FSUE «RNIIRS» FRPC
The success of solving problems of antenna synthesis is largely determined by the choice of the amplitude-phase distribution in the aperture of the antenna. The degree of approximation of the implemented antenna pattern to a given one depends on the approximate synthesis methods used. With contradictory requirements for the antenna radiation pattern, the solution of problems of approximate synthesis becomes ineffective. This is manifested in the receipt of unsustainable solutions.
It is proposed to use an additional regularizing functional. It consists of the sum of two private functionals. The first private functional is an estimate of the quality of the approximation of two functions. The second partial functional allows us to estimate the smoothness of the function being formed. In the well-known literature on the theory of antenna synthesis, such functionals are practically not used.
The purpose of the work is the development of the theory of the synthesis of antenna arrays in terms of the use of smoothing functionals when choosing the amplitude-phase distribution. To this end, the substantiation of the methods of amplitude-phase and phase synthesis of antenna arrays using a smoothing functional has been carried out and their performance has been evaluated for an M-elemental linear antenna array.
The evaluation of the efficiency of the amplitude-phase and phase synthesis methods was carried out during the formation of the «table-like» radiation pattern, the beam of which is specified in the sector 15 ,15 . A comparative analysis of the proposed methods with the methods of approximation synthesis is carried out. The presented numerical results confirm that the use of a smoothing functional allows to significantly improve the quality of the approximation of a given radiation pattern.
It is shown that the proposed methods can be used for the formation of a special form of the radiation pattern. However, when forming a given radiation pattern of a special form, it should be borne in mind that when smoothing a realizable radiation pattern, it may be distorted. In this regard, at the stage of formation of a given radiation pattern, its correction can be performed.
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