350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
The algorithm of adaptive adjustment of the parameters of the linear discrete filter using fuzzy expert system
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-201907(9)-10
UDC: 621.391

А.V. Eliseev – Dr.Sc.(Eng), Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist, 


K.V. Anufriev – Leading Engineer, 


R.A. Pogorelov – engineer, 


D.E. Rubailo – engineer, 



The problem of linear discrete filtering of trajectory measurements in the conditions of aircraft maneuver is considered. It is shown that currently there is an active use as carriers of telecommunication equipment of flight-lifting equipment for various purposes, for example, unmanned aerial vehicles. For radio monitoring of such objects it is necessary to perform their spatial identification based on the analysis of trajectory information. The sources of trajectory information are information-measuring systems of various types, both active and passive. For the processing of trajectory measurements in the conditions of maneuvering of the aircraft, it is proposed to use a linear discrete filter – «alpha-beta» filter. To prevent an increase in the dynamic errors of the filter when maneuvering the aircraft, it is proposed to use the adaptation of its parameters.

The aim of the work is to reduce the dynamic error of trajectory measurements filtering in the conditions of aircraft maneuver. The problem to be solved is the development of an algorithm for adaptive adjustment of the linear discrete filter parameters to the maneuver intensity using a fuzzy expert system.

To adapt the «alpha-beta» filter, two tasks were solved sequentially: maneuver detection and control of the filter gain. The detection of the maneuver is based on the majority criterion «two out of three». To control the filter gain, a fuzzy expert system in the form of a set of fuzzy logic rules is used. The input variables of the expert system are linguistic variables «filtering error type» and «relative error module value», the output variable is «gain value». A block diagram of the adaptive filter is presented. The results of mathematical modeling are presented.

Pages: 89-102
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Date of receipt: 26 февраля 2019 г.