A.O. Kasyanov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Deputy Head of Science Department,
A.S. Yunichenko – Ph.D.(Eng.), Head of Team,
C.V. Sumatokhin – Head of Laboratory,
This paper deals with the creation of high-speed radio channels for transmitting information from vehicle objects according to the vector criterion of requirements (information transmission speed and distance, communication zone, vehicle object speed, energy, weight and dimensions, etc.). An approach based on heuristic synthesis is used. The following tasks are solved:
- The choice of frequency range and the determination of the conditions of propagation of the radio signal.
- The calculation of the energy budget of the radio channel, including the choice of signal-code structures and the definition of the requirements for the gain of the receiving and transmitting antennas.
- Determination of the types of antennas used and clarification of the energy budget of the radio channel.
The main stages of creating high-speed wireless channels for transmitting digital data from vehicle objects are considered using a specific example of the synthesis of a radio channel for transmitting digital data from a light-engine vehicle object. The required digital data transfer rate is up to 120 Mbps. The required range of wireless communication is up to 70 km.
To transmit the useful signal, we used free frequency ranges located within the S-band (2−4 GHz), providing electromagnetic compatibility and acceptable conditions of electromagnetic waves propagation. Estimation of attenuation of the useful signal was performed using the attenuation equations for the two-path model of electromagnetic waves propagation and was approximately 146 dB.
Based on the results of the energy budget calculation of the wireless channel, we have chosen the most energy-efficient signal-code structures with phase modulation, resistant to Doppler shift of the carrier frequency and nonlinearity of the on-board power amplifier. The total gain of the ground and on-board antennas, providing the required energy stability of the created wireless channel, was more than 37 dB.
To provide the required configuration of the communication zone in azimuth and the required energy reserve of the created wireless channel, we used a ground-based hybrid parabolic antenna. Reflector antenna feed is an antenna array designed for electronic scanning of space in the azimuth plane. The on-board antenna is designed as an antenna array of switched sector radiators. Among the on-board antennas there is also a linear phased antenna array.
The validity of the results of the synthesis of high-speed channel of wireless transmission of digital data from the vehicle object was confirmed by successful experimental measurements.
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