A.V. Zhuravlev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Main Designer - Deputy General Director, JSC SPE «PROTEK» (Voronezh)
E-mail: protek@protek-vrn.ru
V.G. Markin – Leading Engineer,
JSC SPE «PROTEK» (Voronezh)
E-mail: marvigs@mail.ru
The method of partial elimination of strong signals from direction finding process allows to identify the directions to weak radio signals sources disguised by strong signals. Estimation of strong signals impact on weak signals direction fining resolution was carried out using computer modelling exemplified by the Capon algorithm.
Nowadays there is a wide variety of direction finding correlation algorothms, which differ in the complexity and volume of calculations, as well as the resolution and accuracy of the assessment of directions to the sources of radio waves. However, up to now, the task of increasing the resolution and accuracy of assessment of directions to sources of radio emissions remains crucial.
The present article deals with the technique of increasing the resolution due to partial elimination of strong signals from the direction finding process and additive noise correction, which allows to identify the direction of weak sources of radio signals disguised by strong signals.
Comparative analysis of resolution in traditional covariance Capon algorithm signals arrival directions and partial strong signals compensation, carried out with the use of math modelling method exemplified by Capon algorithm, confirmed the efficiency of the suggested method.
The considered method of resolution increasing allows to leave the hardware part of the antenna array and the process of measuring signals in the array channels required for direction finding intact.
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