V.V. Trutnev – Ph.D.(Econ.), Associate Professor,
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev
E-mail: vtrutnev@oao.kmpo.ru
G.F. Mingaleev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Dr.Sc.(Econ.), Professor,
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev
E-mail: mingaleevgaziz@mail.ru
R.A. Galyamov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Lecturer,
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev
E-mail: gradmir@yandex.ru
E.A. Buzova – Ph.D.(Econ.), Director of Economics and Finance,
JSC «SIB RS» (Samara)
E-mail: bea@siprs.ru
M.A. Minkin – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Main Research Scientist,
JSC «SIB RS» (Samara)
E-mail: mma@siprs.ru
The article describes the main stages of the development of means of coordination of production. The conditions of operation of software and hardware complexes of planning and monitoring in infocommunication multiservice networks of special communication are analyzed, possible sources of losses are shown. Recommendations on ensuring stable connection of hardware-software complexes of planning and monitoring in the conditions of work in infocommunication multiservice networks of special communication are offered. The article describes the issues of enterprise cartography based on digitalization and integration of production processes throughout the enterprise, including product development and production.
Extended abstract. Infocommunication multiservice communication networks is an integral part of the rapidly developing information industry is a system with a complex structure of the complex composition of the transmitted traffic. Such networks include data transmission networks and wireless broadband networks, including departmental networks and special-purpose networks designed to store the processing and transmission of various types of traffic using a single infrastructure.
The results of the traffic analysis can be obtained by studying the characteristics of flows transmitted using different technologies (wired and wireless) at different levels of the organization of communication infocommunication multiservice communication networks. This approach will allow you to perform not only an assessment of each individual network node, but also the network as a whole.
Preparation for implementation of infomat in infocommunication multiservice networks of special communication consists of two parallel stages:
- Development of signal processing algorithms by infomat;
- Reorganization of production and reduction of the corresponding standard reference documentation to the type providing operability of information system.
The decomposition of the blocks of the architecture of the infomat software basically contains 11 algorithms of subroutines that provide the order of actions of the contractor to achieve the following results:
1) Generate data on the beginning of work; 2) Generate data on the completion of the work; 3) Generate data on the emergency situation.
To ensure a stable connection of the software and hardware complex in infocommunication multiservice networks, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of traffic, the main of which is the manifestation of fractality and self-similarity.
The described flexible management of processes and resources allows to make reasonable decisions on loading of all production capacities (machines, warehouses, trucks and so on), people, the maximum use of competences of employees, reduction of warehouse stocks and other on the basis of modern methods and means of Informatization and computerization of production processes.
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- Valitov S.M., Mingaleev G.F., Khadeev N.R., Antonova N.V. Methods to assess economic loss while implementing energy saving programs in oil-production enterprises. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 6 (3). P. 766−769.
- Mingaleev G.F. The Economic Aspects of the Development of Car Manufacturing and After-Sales Services in the Republic of Tatarstan. Implementing International Services: A Tailor Able Method for Market Assessment, Modularization, and Process Transfer. Wiesbaden: Springer – Verlag. 2012. P. 437−449.
- Bakeeva I.R., Bakeev B.V., Trutnev V.V., Mingaleev G.F., Babushkin V.M. Influence of level of development of innovative potential of region on results of innovative activity. Proceedings of the International conference «Economy in the modern world» (ICEMW 2018). P. 28−32.
- Bikmullin A., Pavlov B., Khusainov Z., Mingaleev G. Defining Composite Indicators of Complex Production Systems. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. 2018. 13 (Special Issue 13). P. 702−706.
- Bikmullin A.L., Pavlov B.P., Zufar K.K. Analyzing accuracy and sensitivity in forecasting at the variant level. Espacios. V. 38. № 49. 2017. 9 p.
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