Al.V. Karlov – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory,
JSC «SIB RS» (Samara)
E-mail: karlovav@siprs.ru
V.Yu. Nazin – Post-graduate Student,
Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara)
E-mail: nv179@yandex.ru
A.M. Neshcheret – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory,
JSC «SIB RS» (Samara)
E-mail: nam@siprs.ru
A.V. Shlyakhov – Post-graduate Student,
Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara) E-mail: shlyahov68@mail.ru
The article presents the results of calculating the impedance characteristics of an antenna array with a chiral reflector based on left- and right-sided elements by the method of singular integral equations (SIE). The SIE system with Cauchy features is given. It is shown that the use of such reflectors in antenna arrays allows to improve the coordination of the emitters with the feeder path in comparison with the metal reflector.
Currently, studies of antennas based on chiral metamaterials with improved electrical and mass-dimensional characteristics are of great interest. However, due to the fact that the chiral metamaterial is a rather complex structure, a number of questions arise related to the correct electrodynamic analysis and synthesis. The use of existing software systems for electrodynamic modeling for analyzing such structures may not always lead to correct results. In addition, they are very demanding of computing resources.
In this regard, for the electrodynamic analysis of two-element microstrip radiating structures with substrates of chiral metamaterials, an approach was proposed based on the use of singular integral equations (SIE), which makes it possible to correctly calculate the characteristics of such structures, as well as having relatively small requirements for computing resources.
This approach was used to calculate the impedance characteristics of an antenna array with a chiral reflector. Received SIU system with Cauchy features. It is shown that the use of such reflectors in antenna arrays allows to improve the coordination of the emitters with the feeder path in comparison with the metal reflector.
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