350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Design method of strip antennas for subscriber stations of mobile radio taking into account the peculiarities of placement
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-201906(7)-06
UDC: 621.396.67

I.A. Gerasimov – Post-graduate Student, Main Specialist, 

JSC «SIB RS» (Samara)

E-mail: gerasimovia@siprs.ru


The article addressed the development of patch antennas, taking into account current trends in the development of radio communications. The design algorithm based on the basic structures used in the method is considered. An example of the calculation of the basic structure with the aim of obtaining the optimal design and technical solutions, taking into account the requirements.

Currently, the presence of a large number of software products greatly simplifies the task of designing antennas, but at the same time, there are a number of points that force us to look for ways to optimize this process. One of them is the time spent on the search for a constructive-technical solution, which allows to obtain the parameters that most satisfy the required ones. This is due to the lack of a systematic approach to the choice of constructs in the necessary degree approximate to the solution of the task. Thus, at present there is an urgent need to develop new techniques for designing patch antennas, taking into account the conditions of placement and use.

The aim of the work is to study the ways of developing patch antennas using an algorithm based on the nomenclature of basic structures.

The developed nomenclature is a set of constructive-technical solutions with a relatively simple design. It allows you to optimize the design of antennas due to the structuring of the elements on the priority of achieving certain characteristics, taking into account the conditions of placement and use.

The design principle based on the developed methodology is considered. The algorithm of the process of the subsequent stages is the same. It consists in the sequential change of the studied geometric parameter within the specified limits with a certain step. At each point of the variable range, the result of the calculated characteristic is recorded. According to the obtained data, the dependence is built, which allows not only to determine the optimal value of the geometrical parameter, but also to identify a pattern that makes it possible to improve the process of subsequent development.

The presented results showed that the antenna, designed on the basis of the developed methodology, meets the requirements. The selected design solution provides the necessary characteristics under the specified conditions of placement and use. The analysis of the obtained dependences showed that the algorithm incorporated in the methodology allows the number of cycles of parametric optimization to be minimal. Thus, the overall design time is reduced. This makes it possible to consider the technique as a promising tool for solving problems of the development of strip-type antennas.

Pages: 30-34
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Date of receipt: 18 апреля 2019 г.