I.A. Kudinov – Post-graduate Student, Department of Computer,
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
E-mail: igor.kudinov@mail.ru
M.B. Nikiforov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Computer,
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
E-mail: nikiforov.m.b@evm.rsreu.ru
I.S. Kholopov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Radio Systems»,
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
E-mail: kholopov.i.s@rsreu.ru
The technology of video image generation according to information from the distributed multi-spectral cameras of the panoramic optical-electronic vision system is considered. The main problems that reduce the quality of stitching of the panoramic frame composed from multi-spectral camera frames are analyzed. The geometric formulation of the problem and the main analytical expressions describing the procedure for the spherical panorama forming without evaluating the point features of the scene and finding matches between them using descriptors are given. A robust to shooting conditions panorama forming algorithm based on the results of preliminary photogrammetric calibration of multi-spectral cameras using a special test object, Euler angles of the reference camera given by MEMS inertial measurement unit and distance to the objects of shooting by the laser range meter signals is presented. The main operation modes of a prototype of a panoramic vision system with television and infrared cameras developed by the authors are considered. It is shown that parallelization of computations using CUDA technology makes it possible to realize functions of improving vision (like image blending and Multiscale retinex), including image fusion from different spectral sensors, for two independently controlled 1024×768 pixels regions of interest with a frequency of at least 30 Hz.
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