A.E. Moskvitin – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist,
Aerospace Image Processing Research Institute of Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail: foton@rsreu.ru
V.A. Ushenkin – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist,
Aerospace Image Processing Research Institute of Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail: foton@rsreu.ru
The problem of radar and optical image fusion is considered to simplify perception of specific for human radar data. Two new fusion algorithms as well as the algorithm of multitemporal speckle filtering, that is applied to radar image before their fusion with optical ones, are proposed. Performed experimental researches confirm the efficiency of proposed algorithms.
The problem of radar and optical image fusion is considered to simplify perception of specific for human radar data. Two new fusion algorithms are proposed. The first algorithm selects the «important» objects in the radar image and puts them on the optical substrate. The objects of small area, the brightness of which significantly exceeds the surrounding background, are recognized as «important» ones. The second algorithm colours the radar image using the multispectral optical image transformed to the HSV colour space. The hue is extracted from the optical image, the value is extracted from the radar one, and the saturation is computed by reduction of the source optical image saturation by amount determined by the ratio of the values of the optical and radar images. To improve the quality of fusion, it is necessary to reduce speckle noise in the source radar image. The algorithm of multitemporal speckle filtering, which allows to obtain less noisy image without reduction of spatial resolution from several radar images of the same scene at the case of temporal variations. Performed experimental researches confirm the efficiency of proposed algorithms.
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