V.S. Verba – Corresponding Member of RAS, Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor,
General Product Engineer - First Deputy General Director of JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)
E-mail: mail@vega.su, vvs.msk@gmail.com
B.G. Tatarskiy – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Director of Scientific and Educational Center,
JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)
E-mail: boris-tatarsky@inbox.ru
Top trends of development of aviation onboard radar complexes are considered. At the same time the main attention is paid to multibandpass of their creation. As objects of a research radar complexes (BRLK) of monitoring of the land surface are considered. The main focus at creation of these multirange complexes is placed on a right choice of creation of its antenna system which in essential degree depends on the tasks assigned to BRLK. Considering multifunctionality of modern onboard radar complexes in article problematic issues in creation of multirange onboard aviation complexes of this type taking into account the used ranges of lengths of waves – X-, are considered by S-, L-, P- and VHF. In quality the active implemented phased arrays (AIPA) are considered by the main antenna of the BRLK system. Possible options of placement 3-h-and 4-h-band AFAR of multifunction RLK on the carrier of plane type are given. The attention to features of signal processing in multirange BRLK and questions of combination of the radar images created in the different ranges of lengths of waves is paid.
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- Dudnik P.I., Ilchuk A.R., Tatarskii B.G. Mnogofunktsionalnye radiolokatsionnye sistemy: Ucheb. posobie dlya vuzov / Pod red. B.G. Tatarskogo. M.: Drofa. 2007. 288 s.
- Verba V.S. Razrabotka perspektivnykh bortovykh RLS: vozmozhnosti i ogranicheniya. Informatsionno-izmeritelnye i upravlyayushchie sistemy. 2016. T. 14. № 1. S. 1−15.
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- Verba V.S. Obnaruzhenie nazemnykh obieektov. Radiolokatsionnye sistemy obnaruzheniya i navedeniya vozdushnogo bazirovaniya. M.: Radiotekhnika. 2007. 360 s.
- Verba V.S. Aviatsionnye kompleksy radiolokatsionnogo dozora i navedeniya. Printsipy postroeniya, problemy razrabotki i osobennosti funktsionirovaniya. M.: Radiotekhnika. 2014. 528 s.
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- Ustroistva SVCh i antenny. Proektirovanie fazirovannykh antennykh reshetok: Ucheb. posobie dlya vuzov / Pod red. D.I. Voskresenskogo. Izd. 4-e, pererab. i dop. Radiotekhnika. 2012. 744 s.
- Merkulov V.I., Verba V.S., Ilchuk A.R., Koltyshev E.E. Avtomaticheskoe soprovozhdenie tselei v RLS integrirovannykh aviatsionnykh kompleksov. Soprovozhdenie odinochnykh tselei. V 3-kh tomakh. T. 2 / Pod red. V.S. Verby. M.: Radiotekhnika. 2018. 486 s.
- Shkolnyi L.A., Tolstov E.F., Detkov A.N. i dr. Radiolokatsionnye sistemy vozdushnoi razvedki, deshifrirovanie radiolokatsionnykh izobrazhenii: Uchebnik dlya kursantov VVIA im. prof. N.E. Zhukovskogo / Pod red. L.A. Shkolnogo. M.: Izd-vo VVIA im. prof. N.E. Zhukovskogo. 2008. 531 s.
- Radiolokatsionnye sistemy aviatsionno-kosmicheskogo monitoringa zemnoi poverkhnosti i vozdushnogo prostranstva / Pod red. V.S. Verby i B.G. Tatarskogo. M.: Radiotekhnika. 2018. 576 s.