P.A. Tushnov – Main Technologist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow) E-mail: tushnov.p@radiofizika.com
The paper assesses the integral energy characteristics of a receive-transmit module (RTM) operating in a pulsed mode, taking into account its construction scheme, characteristics of active and passive nodes, and proposes a formula that determines the dependence of the efficiency of the RTM on the efficiency of the transistor of output and the pre-output power amplifiers of microwave channel and of the ratio of duty cycle. The results of measurements of S-band RTM energy characteristics, carried out in the process of technological preparation of serial production of S-band RTM batch, are presented.
The integral energy characteristics of a receive-transmit module operating in a pulsed mode are assessed taking into account the construction scheme, characteristics of active and passive nodes. A formula is proposed that determines the dependence of the efficiency of the RTM on the efficiency of the transistor of the output and pre-output power amplifiers of the microwave channel and of the ratio of duty cycle. The results of measurements of S-band RTM energy characteristics, carried out in the process of technological preparation of serial production of S-band RTM batch, are presented.
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- Tushnov P.A., Kostromov A.N., Borodina E.A., Kostin D.Yu. Aspekty formirovaniya proizvodstvennoi sistemy tekhnologicheskogo kompleksa po izgotovleniyu priemoperedayushchikh modulei AFAR. Radiotekhnika. 2016. № 10. S. 38−51.
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- Tushnov P.A., Kostromov A.N., Sudarenko D.A. Kontseptsiya postroeniya opytnogo proizvodstva PPM AFAR na predpriyatiirazrabotchike sredstv VKO. Radiotekhnika. 2018. № 10. S. 54−64.