L.I. Dvoiris – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor
V.A. Ivanov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor
K.V. Galev – Post-graduate Student
The paper presents a criterion for energy detection of signals from objects based on the analysis of parameters of the distribution law of the implementation of only the background signal, which was previously centered and normalized.
Traditionally, the detection of signals is carried out using one of the known criteria for testing statistical hypotheses. These criteria are used a priori information about the parameters of the distributions of the interference and detect signals. In the article the authors attempt to justify the approach to signal detection, the parameters of which are not known in advance. For this purpose, it is proposed to observe the parameters of the law of distribution of the background signal. The background signal is normalized and centered beforehand. A model of such a detector was built and tested. The hypothesis of the possibility of detection with the given quality indicators was confirmed experimentally.
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