A.M. Karlov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor
E.V. Volkhonskaya – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor
A.Ya. Ryabec – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor
In the framework of the theory of optimal linear filtering, differential equations are obtained for the elements of the covariance matrix of filtering errors of informational messages when the parameters of the radio transmitting and receiving devices deviate from the optimal values.
To ensure the required quality of radio communications, the characteristics of radio receivers should be selected taking into account a priori information about the information message, signal, interference, and radio link parameters. When designing radio communication means based on the theory of optimal filtering, the structure and parameters of the signal receiving and processing devices that ensure an optimal assessment of a message are entirely determined by the parameters of a priori models of the transmitted information message, signal, and affecting interference. During operation, the parameters of radio communication means change. Changing the parameters of radio transmitters leads to the fact that the parameters of the signal and the information message differ from the parameters of their a priori assumed models. Changing the parameters of radio receivers leads to the fact that they are no longer optimal in relation to the observed process. In addition, interference characteristics may also vary over time. This set of changes in the parameters of the radio channel leads to a deterioration in the quality of radio communications. In this connection, the assessment of the degree of deterioration in the quality of radio communications due to the influence of interference and changes in the parameters of radio communications is an important task.
In the framework of optimal linear filtering, the problem of assessing the quality of service radio communication in the implementation of optimal algorithms for processing the received signals in the deviation of the parameters of radio transmitting and radio receiving devices from the optimal values is solved. The differential equation for the error in the evaluation of the information message caused by deviations of the parameters of radio transmitting and radio receiving devices from the optimal values, as well as a system of differential equations for the elements of the covariance matrix of errors in the evaluation of the information message are obtained in matrix form. At the set permissible values of filtering errors of information messages, the results will allow to determine the tolerances on the parameters of radio communication means, within which the required quality of radio communication is guaranteed.
- Sejdzh E’.P., Mels Dzh. Teoriya oczenivaniya i ee primenenie v svyazi i upravlenii: Per. s angl. / Pod red. B.R. Levina. M.: Svyaz’. 1976. 476 s.