350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №12 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Determining the coordinates of radio frequency sources using antenna systems with an increased base between the points of reception
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-201912(20)-10
UDC: 524.6-77, 520.628

A.N. Petrov – Post-graduate Student, 

Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

E-mail: alexey-np@yandex.ru

V.V. Lebedev – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Junior Research Scientist, 

Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute (St Petersburg)

E-mail: vladimir_l@mail.ru

A.V. Shamray – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, 

Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; 

Main Research Scientist, Head of Department, 

Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute (St Petersburg)

E-mail: achamrai@mail.ioffe.ru


One of the promising directions for the creation of radio control complexes is the use of radio photonics technologies for realizing communication between remote antennas and a radio receiving module.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the feasibility of using VOLPAS in the operation of radio control systems and to study the influence of the main VOLPAS parameters, such as transmission coefficient and noise figure, on the characteristics of radio control systems.

The construction scheme of radio control systems for determining the coordinates of radio frequency sources using elements of radio photonics is considered. The use of fiber optic communication lines of analog microwave signals with an external modulator and direct detection made it possible to increase the base between the receiving points and increase the accuracy of bearing detection. The influence of the operating modes of an external modulator on the transmission characteristics of microwave signals from antennas to a radio receiver module is studied. It is shown that at the optimal operating point of the modulator, the detection range of radio frequency sources can be doubled compared to the standard quadrature operating point.

The influence of the operating modes of an external modulator on the transmission characteristics of microwave signals from antennas to a radio receiver module is studied. It is shown that at the optimal operating point of the modulator, the detection range of radio frequency sources can be increased up to two times compared to the standard quadrature operating point.

Due to a significant increase in the base between reception points up to 400 ... 500 m, unattainable when using copper microwave cables, direction finding accuracy can be increased to the level of 0.5 °.

Pages: 80-87
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Date of receipt: 14 ноября 2019 г.