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Journal Radioengineering №12 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Resonance frequency adjustment of azimuthal modes in disk dielectric resonators with the high Q-factor
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-201912(19)-05
UDC: 621.372.413

V.S. Dobromyslov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist, 

Department of Formation and Processing of Radio Signals, «National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow)

E-mail: mpei-dvs@mail.ru


Disk dielectric resonators (DDR) with the azimuthal modes made of materials with small losses have found application in millimeter and centimeter wavelengths. The Q-factor of these resonators is determined by the heat losses in the dielectric and the radiation losses. In the operation range, the radiation loss rate can be by several orders of magnitude lower than the heat losses, and the resulting Q-factor is determined only by tanδ of the resonator material: Q = 1/tanδ. Constructively, resonators can be performed both in the open and shielded versions. At specified DDR sizes, resonance frequency fr depends on an accuracy of machining during manufacture, an deviations of the permittivity of the material used. In practice, the challenge is quite often arisen DDR adjustment to the specified operating frequency.

This paper explores the possibilities of the resonance frequency adjustment for the main HE and EH modes. The influence on sapphire DDR characteristics of metallic plane, dielectric plates is investigated. The impact of low-loss dielectric plates at microwave range from various materials: PTFE (ε = 2,05), fused quartz (ε = 3,82), ceramics Al2O3 (ε = 9,60) are considered. These dielectrics are quite often used in devices of the microwave technology.

Research result has shown that the smooth adjustment of the resonant frequency of the main HE and EH modes is possible while maintaining the resulting level of the Q-factor of 106. When one adjusts the resonance frequency using dielectric plates, the relative concentration of electromagnetic energy in the plates, if one inserts them in the field of the resonator, is of the order of 1% or less for HE modes, while the concentration is slightly higher for EH modes. Thus, fine tuning of DDR resonant frequencies using dielectric plates can be achieved without changing the values of the resonator Q-factor.

Pages: 46-52
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Date of receipt: 15 августа 2019 г.