K.T. Tyncherov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department,
Branch of Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Oktyabrsky)
E-mail: academic-mvd@mail.ru
V.Sh. Mukhametshin – Dr.Sc.(Geol.-Mineral.), Professor, Head of Department,
Branch of Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Oktyabrsky)
E-mail: vsh@of.ugntu.ru
M.V. Selivanova – Undergraduate,
Branch of Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Oktyabrsky) E-mail: selivanovamara@gmail.com
In the oil and gas industry, in the construction (oriented drilling) of wells and the development of fields, one of the problems is a large amount of commercial information that must be transferred to control centers using various communication channels. At the same time, the reliability of information transmission plays an important role.
Achieving high reliability of information transmission, i.e., ensuring the reliability of its recovery at the receiving end of the transmission line, is provided not so much by improving the technical means of transmitting information as by using various methods of encoding information. This is explained by the fact that any possible increase in reliability is too expensive and sometimes requires the development of complex protective measures. Correctly selected coding method is able to provide the greatest resistance to possible random distortions. For this, the received information is processed, which allows eliminating the interference introduced into it, clearing it of errors and achieving compliance with what was sent from the transmitting end of the line.
The most attractive in the problems of providing high reliability of signal transmission is the noise-proof code in the residue system (residual class system). A system of deductions with high efficiency is used in algorithms of digital signal processing based on a large volume of such computational operations as addition and multiplication. That is why the task of providing high reliability of communication channels for the transmission of information about oriented drilling and the state of wells over a variety of geophysical parameters is relevant for modern oil and gas complexes.
The article investigates the possibilities of correcting linear codes of the system of deductions for their suitability to ensure the reliability of transmitted telemetry signals by detecting and correcting the errors that occur.
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