A.I. Kalinkin – Post-graduate Student,
Department «Radio Systems», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin
E-mail: san_mozart@mail.ru
I.S. Kholopov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Dean of Department «Radioengineering and Telecommunications», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin E-mail: kholopov.i.s@rsreu.ru
The option of determining the location of the aircraft at the take-off or landing stage using optical tracking system is considered. Such an approach under the influence of natural or intentionally generated clutters to the global satellite navigation systems we can improve the reliability of determining the location of an aircraft relative to the runway at the stages of the pre-landing maneuver and landing. A method for solving the problem of determining the angular and spatial coordinates of an object from the image of two reference points obtained using one camera and information from an inertial measuring unit is presented. The formalization and geometric formulation of the problem of landing of an aircraft according to the image of reference points radiating in the same wavelength range is carried out. A method for solving the P2P problem is provided, provided that there is a priori information from the inclinometer. The conditions and restrictions on the process of solving the P2P problem are introduced, which make it possible to exclude solutions that do not satisfy the physical meaning of the problem. The analytical expression for the solution error arising due to the error in determining the glow centers of the projections of the frames in the image plane is presented. The error in determining the angular coordinates in solving the P2P problem by simulation is studied. It is shown that, within the framework of the mathematical model for solving the P2P problem with the standard deviation of determination of roll and pitch of not more than 0.05° and pixel coordinates of reference points of not more than 0.5 pixels, the measurement of the angular coordinate of the yaw with a standard deviation of not more than 0.2° is achieved.
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