A.A. Lisnichuk – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor,
Department «Radio Control and Communications», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin E-mail: a.a.lisnichuk@gmail.com
Signal-code sequences (SCS) based on bit interleaving have a relatively high noise immunity. However, under interference action from packet radio systems with dynamically changing modulation parameters (i.e., under the effect of pulse packet interference), SCS with fixed parameters do not work at purposed characteristics. With a dynamic change in characteristics and composition of interference environment, adaptive radio communication systems using reconfiguration of their parameters, including based on the principles of software-defined radio, are highly effective. However, the adaptation of such systems using known types of signal-code constructions, such as in devices based on cognitive radio technology, has several disadvantages: without changing the current frequency range the inefficiency of adaptation to interfering factors operating in SCS band; low structural secrecy of transmitted information. Under the conditions indicated above, it is advisable to introduce the adaptation procedure to the presence of pulse packet interference in promising cognitive radio communication systems, by multi-criteria synthesis of SCS based on bit interleaving.
The aim is to develop procedure for multi-criteria synthesis of SCS based on bit interleaving to adapt radio systems for transmitting information to the action of pulse packet interference. To implement the multi-criteria approach in SCS synthesis procedure, it is advisable to take into account such parameters of the radio communication system as: noise immunity, spectral efficiency and peak-toaverage power ratio.
It is shown that the synthesized SCS based on bit interleaving provide a gain in comparison with the known SCS by the signal-tointerference ratio by more than 4 dB. In addition, with a gain of 0.7 dB in the values of the peak-to-average power ratio, the synthesized signal-code sequences, although they realize an increase in the spectral width at the level of −30 dB by 32% (this also increases the noise immunity to the AWGN), but they also reduce the occupied frequency band by −60 dB level by more than 35% (in comparison with the spectrally-efficient signal-code sequences based on BICM PSK-8).
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