V.V. Sukhov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Head of Designing Department,
JSC «Concern «Morinsys-Agat» (Moscow)
E-mail: vshov051s@yandex.ru
S.Kh. Ekshembiev – Dr.Sc.(Econ.), Deputy General Director – General Designer on the Cost of Production
Management, Economics and Finance,
JSC «Concern «Morinsys-Agat» (Moscow)
E-mail: info@concern-agat.ru
The article discusses the durability of radio-electronic equipment (REE) operating under conditions of complex spectrum of mechanical effects. Based on the analysis of techniques for modeling REE instrument designs, an optimized technique for determining the strength of REE designs and its durability and durability was developed. In order to achieve the stated goal, the following tasks are solved in the methodology: to carry out decomposition of the design of instruments for construction of mathematical models; determine the functional dependence of damping on strain rate for vibration isolators and device filling; develop algorithms and programs for modeling nonlinear functional dependencies of damping on strain rate and strain force (stiffness); develop algorithms and programs for modeling instrument designs in order to determine parameters of oscillations using nonlinear functional dependencies of dynamic characteristics; evaluate the accuracy of modeling the strength and reliability of REE instrument structures under mechanical impacts using developed methods; develop models of endurance curves for materials (metals and non-metals) used in instrument designs, which allows to determine the life of instruments for each design. The method provides accuracy of order (∆t)2. When compared with the test results, the developed method shows the results within the 10…15% by acceleration amplitude on the device structures, and by the duration of the design impact pulse not more than 5…15%. This allows the tests to be replaced by computer simulation. In case of unsatisfactory results, the simulation is carried out again after changing the initial data on the device model or changing the vibration isolation system diagram or changing the type of size and in general the type of vibration isolator.
The entire cycle of work related to the development of the model according to the design of the instrument, preparation of the initial data, their input, obtaining the results of modeling and construction of dependencies takes no more than one hour. The simulation is performed until the optimal solution is obtained. In this case, the entire procedure takes no more than 2 to 3 hours to obtain the necessary graphical information for each design model variant.
To model the design of the instrument, an algorithm was developed and special mathematical and software was developed to process and optimize the simulation results. Criteria for evaluation of simulation results and decision-making regarding evaluation of resource parameters and design quality have been developed. When evaluating the simulation results, the transformation of the mechanical impact by the system «base of the ship – vibration isolators – body of the device – modules – boards – electric and radio elements» is considered, which allows to analyze the information.
The simplicity of the methods used in the software makes it possible to use them at any workplace of the designer or designer of the ship 's REE instruments. Moreover, the developed technique makes it possible to use it at early (or all) stages of equipment design. Implementation of the present procedure allows to reduce production failures from 57% to 20% of the total number of failures, which allows to ensure the required reliability and service life of expensive equipment when meeting the requirements of GOST RV 20.39.304-98 and GOST RV 20.57.305-98 and performance of the service life specification.
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