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Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Design of a complex for finding of and resistance to unmanned aerial vehicle
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-201911(17)-05
UDC: 621.384.326.2 + 535-31:535.241.15:669.784

G.V. Ershov – Head of Sector, 

JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow)

E-mail: m1cro4nn@mail.ru

Yu.Yu. Korobkov – Head of Department, 

JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow)

E-mail: jura9891@gmail.com

A.R. Murlaga – Leading Engineer, 

JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow)

E-mail: myrlaga_olga@mail.ru


A complex approach to solution of a problem consisting in lowering of perceptibility of different objects from means of finding and guidance based on unmanned aerial vehicles at millimeter wavelengths in atmospheric window is set forth in this paper. Key feature of this approach is integration in a single complex a detector of illumination with passive jamming system. Detector of illumination while operating inside atmospheric window at millimeter wavelengths gives target designation for executive subsystem.

A concept of individual defensive electronic countermeasures for a given object from destruction by means of systems with active guidance consists in non-stop functioning of on-board equipment to provide detecting of radiation sources inside its operating zone along with defining of angular coordinates for this radiation sources and carrier frequency of signals. At the same time signals from radiation sources detected earlier are still being monitored. Duration of illumination exceeding ~2 ms is assessed as a threat. That means an object is captured for guiding. In that case a command for executive subsystem is formed for passive jamming.

According to a concept set forth above and probable further updating of guidance for means of destruction it is reasonable to choose required value of equivalent sensitivity of finding equipment not worse than 100…110 W that is verified with appropriate computation.

A structural pattern for such a detector of illumination that is capable to find and monitor radiation sources at millimeter wavelengths is derived from requirements to accuracy of coordinate measurements of radiation sources.

Taking into account that finding of emissions generated by means of destruction must be provided throughout the whole upper hemisphere dimensions of spatial coverage area for equipment of finding should be 360 degrees for azimuth and 90 degrees for an angle of elevation. A unique antenna system consisting of 5 antenna elements (directional pattern for a single antenna element at 3-dB level is 88 degrees) is designed to solve the problem.

Defense from upper hemisphere appears to be rather a complicated problem that can be solved by means of deployment of a cloud above given object.

A theoretical model simulating interaction of electromagnetic wave with absorbing cloud to define required degree of attenuation for illuminating signal is elaborated. Such a model shows that if radar cross-section of a given object is 30 m2 and distance between given object and mean of destruction is 1000 m total attenuation of illuminating signal inside a cloud must be 37 dB while if radar crosssection of a given object is 300 m2 and distance between given object and mean of destruction is 1000 m total attenuation of illuminating signal inside a cloud must be 47 dB.

Technical carbon of a unique recipe from JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» can be used to satisfy this requirements.

In our system suggested in this paper both heat-emitting decoys and special noise-making ammunition are used to form a cloud from volume-distributed technical carbon.

A construction of noise-making ammunition is suggested. Like one handles with heat-emitting decoy, noise-making ammunition are shot from ejection device. At a given distance from an object such ammunition are exploded forming a cloud from volume-distributed technical carbon. Size of a cloud and density of technical carbon in it can be varied by means of increasing of noise-making ammunition being shot.

System described in this paper due to its universality and unique properties of technical carbon used in it is capable to provide effective defense of different objects from means of surveillance and guidance both up-to-date and designed in future.

Simulations and experimental studies of distribution of particles inside a cloud versus conditions of ejection process are left for further investigations.

Pages: 51-58
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Date of receipt: 30 августа 2019 г.