K.A. Zanin – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist,
Lavochkin Research and Production Association (Khimki, Moscow region)
E-mail: pc4a@laspace.ru
M.V. Pirogov – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Engineer,
Lavochkin Research and Production Association (Khimki, Moscow region)
E-mail: pmv_mvp@mail.ru
S.M. Shikhin – Engineer,
Lavochkin Research and Production Association (Khimki, Moscow region)
E-mail: wooling@ rambler.ru
The main function of the considered space system is a complex, targeted, automatized system consisting of a group of spacecraft, as well as of a ground control system, which consists of surveying observational objects located on Earth and transmitting relevant data to information receiving points. The problem area of the space system is a complex, time-varying one. The number of significant objects of different types, the number of their properties, relationships, parameters that must be represented in the model of the problem area is very large. In the problem area of space systems, there is a wide and growing use of software and hardware tools that are highly complex and rapidly developing. Nevertheless, from the point of view of applied tasks, as practice shows, such means are still imperfect. The tasks of ensuring reliable verification and resiliency of software and hardware remain unsolved. Their modification is difficult. The set of significant components of the problem area, their significant properties and relationships, parameters is not fully covered. For space systems, in general, for complex, targeted, automated systems, automation tools of a new, higher level are needed. These funds should provide the required completeness (redundancy, in case of emergency situations) of the problem area coverage with the help of mathematical models focused on the problems of automated systems taking into account the capabilities and features of software and hardware tools used to implement them. For automation equipment, used mathematical models and their transformations, a uniform presentation should be provided, the need for which is dictated by the objective unity of the entire problem area. The use of new automation tools should provide controlled modification and development of the problem area. A method of planning surveys of observational objects located on the Earth’s surface, based on radical modeling and systematic use of the universal language of the radical schemes of radicals, is proposed. A brief description of the problem area of planning a survey of objects of observation by a space grouping is given. A brief description of radical modeling and the language RADICAL, which form the basis of the automation of the problem area under consideration, is also given. Some radical schemes characteristic of the problem area are considered. Studies have shown that radical modeling, the universal language RADICAL, the use of software and hardware means, basically, the following: implement a complete (redundant, in case of emergency situations) formalized description of a complex problem area, focused on its implementation using software and hardware; to carry out automated multi-aspect analysis of the problem area (modern technical documentation, in which natural language is widely used, makes such analysis difficult, and often almost impossible); to unify and standardize the problem area, to create and develop libraries of standard radical scheme for use in the synthesis of new solutions presented with the help of formalized descriptions. It seems that on the basis of the systematic application of radical modeling, the language RADICAL and software and hardware, we will realize the full (excess) coverage of the problem area under consideration with automation tools. As a result, the probability of errors will decrease, the reliability of spacecraft and their groups will increase.
- Vasenin V.A., Pirogov M.V., Chechkin A.V. Informatsionno-sistemnaya bezopasnost kriticheskikh sistem: monografiya. M.: KURS. 2018. a352 s. (In Russian).
- Kristofides N. Teoriya grafov. Algoritmicheskii podkhod. M.: Mir. 1978. 432 s. (In Russian).
- Maslov A.E., Pirogov M.V., Rozhkov V.V., Shikhin S.M. Razrabotka informatsionnogo obespecheniya sistemy planirovaniya i upravleniya rabotoi tselevoi apparatury kosmicheskogo apparata na osnove radikalnogo modelirovaniya. Neirokompyutery: razrabotka, primenenie. 2018. № 4. S. 50−61. (In Russian).
- KHartov V.V., Efanov V.V., Zanin K.A. Osnovy proektirovaniya orbitalnykh optiko-elektronnykh kompleksov: Ucheb. posobie. M.: Izd-vo MAI. 2011. 127 s. (In Russian).
- Chechkin A.V., Pirogov M.V. Neobkhodimost radikalnoi standartizatsii v formalizme radikalnogo modelirovaniya i radikalnogo programmirovaniya tselenapravlennykh avtomatizirovannykh sistem. Neirokompyutery: razrabotka, primenenie. 2018. № 8. S. 3−19. DOI: 10.18127/j19998554-201808-01.(In Russian).