A.G. Samoylov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor,
Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs
E-mail: ags@vlsu.ru
S.A. Samoylov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor,
Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs
E-mail: samoylow@rambler.ru
K.T. Nguyen – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor,
Moscow State University of Management
E-mail: tikhonovrus@gmail.com
The paper presents the issue of protecting the active elements of the output stages of radio-electronic system transmitters from possible overloads.
The principle of operation of the adaptive matching circuit (MC) is presented on the basis of the analysis of the degree of mismatch and the restructuring of the elements of the MC before the generator is fully aligned with the changed load impedance. The implementation of the proposed method is based on the use of adaptive MCs.
The algorithms of the operation of controlled matching circuits are described. The criterion characterizing the quality of matching the signal source with the load is considered to be the standing wave ratio (SWR). The algorithm of operation of the control device of the parameters of the MC is selected gradient. Independent measurement of the power reflected from the load is carried out by the method of sequential adjustment.
For the sequential adjustment algorithm of the matching circuit, the adjustment time of the MC element depends on the frequency of the low-frequency signal generator (LFG), its amplitude and initial values, and the accuracy of obtaining the local minimum depends on the amplitude of the LFG signal. The parallel adjustment algorithm of the matching circuit eliminates the additional disadvantage of the sequential adjustment, which in the case of sequential adjustment, moving a point in coordinates can form a closed loop and the MC will not be able to reach agreement for a reasonable period of time. An algorithm is presented for continuous adjustment of matching with varying load, based on measuring the quadrature components of the reflection coefficient and analyzing the amplitude-phase relations of the signals entering the load and reflected from it. The scheme of the continuous adjustment algorithm MC and timing diagrams for the method of continuous adjustment matching are shown. The coordinates of the Volpert-Smith chart show the results of model experiments on the matching of transmitting devices with emergency antennas.
The results of field experiments confirmed the validity of the results of model experiments and showed that the T-shaped MС worse tracks the change in the parameters of the load compared to the П-shaped MS. The matching speed of a T-shaped MС is also less than that of an П-shaped MС by 30%. Adaptive П-shaped MС is better than T-shaped MС, but it has a restriction on the sign of the imaginary component of the load impedance, which, with the inductive nature of the load, is not critical to the use of П-shaped adaptive matching circuits with three tunable elements.
The concept of matching radio transmitters and high frequency generators with non-stationary loads is considered. Adaptive matching algorithms with varying loads are proposed. It is shown that adaptive matching of generators with the load protects the output stages of the systems from overload and the full power even goes into the emergency load. The results of model and field studies of adaptive matching of radio transmitting devices with loads are given.
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