O.A. Yurtsev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), professor,
Department of Information Radiotechnologies, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (Minsk)
A.A. Popov – Junior Research Scientist,
Department of Information Radiotechnologies, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (Minsk) E-mail: a.popov@bsuir.by
This paper presents the results of numerical simulation of the TEM-horn made of thin conductors whose shape is described by an exponential function. It is shown that the wire TEM-horn, in addition to the design advantages (especially in the frequency range f < 2000 MHz), has a frequency band with a frequency overlap factor of about 10. In this frequency band, the SWR ratio does not exceed 1.5 in the transmission line with a wave impedance of 50 Ohms. Antenna arrays of such horns, their range properties and phase scanning capabilities are considered. It is shown that the linear array without scanning has a coefficient of overlap in frequency equal to 10 according to the criterion of coordination of the emitters in the composition of the array and on the criterion of preserving the shape of the radiation pattern. In a flat array, the overlap coefficient in frequency is less than in a linear array and decreases with the increase in the number of rows. In a flat two-dimensional array, the frequency overlap coefficient is reduced to two, since in the plane of the columns (in the E-plane) the size of the horn opening is significantly larger than in the plane of the rows (in the H-plane), and the condition of the main lobe of the zero order limits the frequency range from above. In a linear H-planar array, the range properties are preserved.
The results of numerical modeling of collinear array and flat antenna array of transmitters in the form of wired TEM-horns are presented. The range properties of singular transmitter and parameters of collinear array and flat antenna array are considered. It is depicted, that the collinear array without scanning has the frequency ratio, which equals 10 in accordance with the fitting criterion of transmitters in assembly with the array and shape retention criterion of radiation pattern. In flat antenna array, overlap ratio is less in frequency, than in collinear array and is diminished with the increase of line counts.
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