V.V. Voznyuk – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Systems and Means of Radio-Electronic Struggle, Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg)
E-mail: vvvbox@rambler.ru
E.V. Kutsenko – Post-graduate Student, Department of Systems and Means of Radio-Electronic Struggle, Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg)
E-mail: nategoru@mail.ru
S.G. Vorona – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Applied Informatics,
Odintsovo branch of MGIMO University
E-mail: vorona_1953@mail.ru
It is necessary to take into account the possibility of their joint operation with third-party radio systems when designing and creating modern space communication systems. These systems can create each other of unintentional or intentional interference under dynamic interaction with their hardly predictable behaviour (the radio-electronic conflict).
The article proposes a mathematical apparatus for assessing the level of noise immunity of the space radio communication channel (SRCC) in a radio-electronic conflict. The results of investigation of two-level radio-electronic interaction of SRCC including system and channel level of representation are presented. As an indicator of the level of noise immunity, the coefficient of reduction in throughput capacity of the SRCC in the conditions of radio-electronic conflict was chosen.
The simulation model of radio-electronic dual conflict «SRCC – channel interference» is developed. It allows to solve problems of justification of requirements to the subsystem of control and management of the SRCC in the conditions of adaptation to a difficult noise situation, and also to the most important characteristics of subsystems of investigation and management of a source of jamming. When considering the radio-electronic conflict at the channel level on the example of a separate radio channel with PSK modulation, the main indicator that can characterize the quality of the SRCC operation under the influence of unintended interference, its throughput capacity is selected, depending on the type of signal modulation, the speed of the applied noise-resistant coding and the probability of bit error. To describe the mathematical model of SRCC functioning under the influence of unintended interference at the system level, a mathematical apparatus based on the use of parallel inter-influencing markov random processes was used, which allowed to characterize the poorly predictable behavior of the conflicting parties. The main indicator at the system level representation of the radio-electronic conflict selected the coefficient of reduction in throughput capacity SRCC representing the relation of capacity under the impact of unintentional interference, the one under normal conditions.
On the basis of the proposed mathematical apparatus the influence of time and probabilistic characteristics of SRCC on the coefficient of reduction of its capacity is estimated. In the course of studies it was found that in the presence of organized control of the source of jamming, its time characteristics have a significant impact on reducing the capacity of the SRCC. The proposed model makes it possible to analyze the impact of the main parameters and characteristics of systems in mutual conflict on the efficiency of their operation. The results of this analysis can be used to solve the problems of synthesis of conflict-resistant organizational and technical systems at the stage of substantiation of the basic technical requirements and recommendations for their joint application.
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