350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Lightning discharges as sources of natural interference for radio receivers with frequency preselectors
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-201901-05
UDC: 537.87+621.371

V.A. Gandurin – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Main Designer, JSC  «ZASLON» (Saint Petersburg)

E-mail: v.a.gandurin@onegroup.ru

V.B. Grebennikov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Leading Engineer, JSC  «ZASLON» (Saint Petersburg)

E-mail: 9165136943@mail.ru

F.V. Poberezhnik – Main Designer, JSC  «ZASLON» (Saint Petersburg) E-mail: felix.pobereznik@gmail.com


The components of radio receivers (RR) as a result of microminiaturization becomes more and more sensitive to external interference and need effective protection against them. The most sensitive to interference components of the RR are low-noise amplifiers (LNA). Devices of protection of LNA from external noise should provide frequency preselection of the received signals, as well as their amplitude selection. Of the radio interference of natural origin, the most instantaneous power have noise generated by lightning. These interference can not only disrupt the normal operation of the RR, but also irreversibly put them out of order, because the instantaneous power of the lightning discharge reaches 1014 watts. The lightning channel is a distributed (non-point) emitter. Due to the chaotic nature of the lightning discharge, the radio emission of individual sections of the lightning channel is mutually incoherent, which makes it possible to approximate it by a set of elementary mutually independent emitters. Due to the mutual incoherence of radio radiation from elementary emitters, the total power of radio emission received by the antenna from the lightning is determined by summing the power of radio emission received from each elementary emitter. To calculate the values of power and spectral density of radio emission received by the antenna from the lightning channel, a program was developed in MATLAB. Calculations have shown that in the most unfavorable conditions (a short distance to the point of lightning, high energy lightning discharge, wide bandwidth LNA) existing overload protection devices, however, with a sufficient degree of reliability ensure the serviceability of the RR.

Pages: 44-50
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Date of receipt: 22 августа 2018 г.