350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Technology of synthesis of complexs of group protection of aircrafts of the navy, practical application
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-201901-03
UDC: 621.396.96:623.74

S.A. Mochalov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, CRC of CRTI of Air Force MoD RF (Saint Petersburg)


The article is devoted to the consideration of the main provisions of the technology for the synthesis of radio-electronic suppression complexes (CRES) of group protection (GP) of aircrafts of the Navy, are presented variants of requirements and results of calculations in the form of tables and graphics.

The main provisions of the proposed technology are examined. The most important of these is the decomposition of the optimized system. In a number of cases, this approach allows us to move from parallel (simultaneous) to combined sequential-parallel and sequentially more easily implemented synthesis options.

The second position of the technology of synthesis concerns the proposed methodical apparatus and consists in the application of probabilistic performance indicators. As the main indicator of the effectiveness of the CRES GP, it is proposed to use the product of the probabilities of performing its tasks by the active interference subsystem and the information-control subsystem.

The third provision of synthesis technology, which makes it possible to achieve its feasibility, is the limitation of the number of variable variables by constructive and technical parameters and, accordingly, the reduction in the number of generated and evaluated alternatives.

The fourth position of the technology of synthesis is associated with the necessary for the implementation of this procedure to ensure the promptness of calculations through the application of analytical modeling methods, various kinds of reasonable approximations, simplifications and assumptions. The article presents the main relationships of the methodological apparatus used to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex that takes into account these assumptions.

As an example, a variant of the synthesis of the system of the CRES GP of the aircraft of the Navy is considered. Examples of the presentation of the initial data and the results obtained (presented to the complexes of tactical requirements, calculated required and achievable values of the energy potential of the complex) in the form of tables, examples of graphs of the dependencies of the probability of detection of the suppressed radar from range under interference conditions.

Conclusions are made about the application of the proposed technology in the formation of requirements for CRES GP, and in direct design.

Pages: 24-33
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Date of receipt: 28 ноября 2018 г.