A.A. Teplykh – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Saratov branch of Kotel'nikov IRE of RAS E-mail: teplykhaa@mail.ru
B.D. Zaitsev – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Laboratory, Saratov branch of Kotel'nikov IRE of RAS E-mail: zai-boris@yandex.ru
A.P. Semenov – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Saratov branch of Kotel'nikov IRE of RAS E-mail: alex-sheih@yandex.ru
I.A. Borodina – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Saratov branch of Kotel'nikov IRE of RAS E-mail: borodinaia @yandex.ru
In this paper, we present a new type of piezoceramic acoustic disk resonator with a radial excitation field. The resonator represents a disk of the piezoelectric material of crystallographic class 6 mm, on the underside of which there are the two round concentric metal electrodes. The advantage of this type of resonators is that they are suitable for measuring the properties of thin films and at the same time allow the efficient calculation of their acoustic and electrical characteristics, for example, electrical impedance. The paper presents a numerical model based on a two-dimensional finite element method as a free resonator and one loaded with a film. As a result of the work, the resonant frequencies and Q factor for the free resonator of piezoceramics PZT-19 have been calculated at the different positions of the gap between the electrodes.
- Zajczev B.D., Shixabudinov A.M., Teply’x A.A., Borodina I.A., Kuzneczova I.E. Prakticheskie primeneniya p’ezoe’lektricheskix rezonatorov s poperechny’m e’lektricheskim polem // Ucheny’e zapiski fizicheskogo fakul’teta MGU. 2014. № 5. 145330.
- Teply’x A.A., Zajczev B.D., Shixabudinov A.M., Borodina I.A. Variaczionnaya model’ p’ezoe’lektricheskogo rezonatora v forme pryamougol’nogo parallelepipeda // Ucheny’e zapiski fizicheskogo fakul’teta MGU. 2017. № 5. 1751311. 4 s.
- Teply’x A.A., Zajczev B.D., Shixabudinov A.M., Borodina I.A. Shirokopolosny’j metod utochneniya material’ny’x konstant p’ezokeramiki pri pomoshhi akusticheskogo rezonatora v vide diska // Radiotexnika. 2017. № 7. S. 64−69.
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