N.A. Bushuev – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), General Director of JSC «SPE «Almaz» (Saratov)
E-mail: nabush2009@yandex.ru
D.I. Kirichenko – Deputy Head of Department, JSC «SPE «Almaz» (Saratov)
E-mail: KirichenkoDI@almaz-rpe.ru
P.D. Shalaev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Main Research Scientist, JSC «SPE «Almaz» (Saratov)
E-mail: ShalaevPD@almaz-rpe.ru
V.I. Rogovin – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Deputy Director of JSC «SPE «Almaz» (Saratov);
Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky
E-mail: rogovinvi@almaz-rpe.ru
S.A. Kalmykov – Engineer of the 1st category, JSC «SPE «Almaz» (Saratov)
M.A. Manjosin – Deputy Head of Test and Measurement Complex, JSC «SPE «Almaz» (Saratov)
The publication presents the results of the development and investigation of TWT medium power millimeter wavelengths. The TWT parameters are investigated in the frequency range from 17 to 43 GHz. It is shown that in the range from 17 to 41 GHz, the output power of the TWT is not less than 40 W and not less than 35 W in the range from 17 to 43 GHz.
Information is presented on the efficiency of TWT in the two-stage collector. Efficiency TWT in the entire frequency range 10−25%. Various versions of the design of the TWT spiral slow-wave system are presented, which make it possible to reduce the unevenness of the gain in a wide band of operating frequencies. The justification of the chosen design of the spiral slow-wave system TWT is given. A brief description of the design and features of the TWT production technology.
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- Zhuravleva V.D., Il'ina E.M., Kontorin Yu.F. i dr. Komp'yuternoe modelirovanie sovremenny'x lamp begushhej volny' razlichnogo naznacheniya // Radiotexnika. 2001. № 2. S. 56−59.
- Shalaev P.D., Semenov S.O., Il'ina E.M. i dr. Razrabotka bazovoj konstrukczii shirokopolosnoj LBV srednej moshhnosti mm diapazona // Materialy' nauchno-texnich. konf., posvyashhennoj 55-letiyu AO «NPP «Almaz». 5−7 sentyabrya 2012 g. Saratov: Izd-vo SGTU. S. 43−45.
- Danilov A.B., Il'ina E.A., Shalaev P.D. Snizhenie perepada koe'fficzienta usileniya v shirokopolosnoj LBV K-Ka diapazona // Materialy' 10-j yubilejnoj Mezhdunar. nauchno-texnich. konf. «Aktual'ny'e Problemy' E'lektronnogo Priborostroeniya». 19–20 sentyabrya 2012 g. Saratov: Izd-vo SGTU. S. 23−25.