350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
Analyzing the serial production of transceiver modules of APAA in the case of manufacturing with discrete mode of operation
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 658.5

P.A. Tushnov – Main Technologist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)

A.N. Kostromov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Head of Office Main Technologist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)

A.V. Nevokshenov – Head of Department, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)


Process of receiver-transmitter modules manufacturing (RTM) of APAA is analized in article. Application of methods of quality management system and lean manufacturing on the example of the experience of production RTM for the pilot production of the development company in the discrete mode of operation is presented in article. The paper presents the analysis of the value stream in the production RTM using value stream mapping as a tool of lean manufacturing. The performance indicator of the flow process is calculated for the pilot production of the development company in the discrete mode of operation using the example of the produced pilot lot of the S-range RTM. A technique for predicting an output of suitable products is proposed for the quality management system. The dependence between the technical solutions put in the design, and the expected output of suitable products in the series is described. The results of the study of the advance dynamics from the manufacturing process of the pilot lot of RTM to steady full-scale production are presented.

Pages: 33-46
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Date of receipt: 15 марта 2018 г.