S.B. Makarov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Director of Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications of Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
E-mail: director@phnt.spbstu.ru
A.M. Markov – Leading Engineer, Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications of Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail: markov@cee.spbstu.ru
The paper deals with orthogonal multifrequency signals based on the IOTA function, called IOTA-OFDM signals. The application of the IOTA-function allows to increase the spectral efficiency of multifrequency signals. In this case, there is no reduction in the BER performance in comparison with classical OFDM signals. However, IOTA-OFDM signals as well as OFDM signals have a significant peak to average power ratio (PAPR), which requires high linearity of the static modulation characteristic of a power amplifier. In order to reduce the PAPR, amplitude limitation (clipping) is applied in the paper. It is shown that the use of clipping and subsequent increase in the average power of signals allows to reduce the peak power of a transmitter amplifier by 3.7 dB while maintaining the same BER performance.
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- Zav’yalov S.V., Makarov S.B. Optimizacziya formy’ ogibayushhix spektral’no-e’ffektivny’x mnogochastotny’x signalov // E’lektromagnitny’e volny’ i e’lektronny’e sistemy’. 2014. T. 19. № 7. S. 38−45.
- Zavjalov S.V., Makarov S.B., Volvenko S.V. Nonlinear coherent detection algorithms of nonorthogonal multifrequency signals // 14th International Conference, NEW2AN/ruSMART 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia, August 27−29. 2014. Proceedings, 8638 LNCS. P. 703−713.
- Zavjalov S.V., Makarov S.B., Volvenko S.V. Application of optimal spectral effective signals in systems with frequency division multiplexing // 14th International Conference, NEW2AN/ruSMART 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia, August 27−29. 2014. Proceedings, 8638 LNCS. P. 676−685.
- Shatrughna Prasad Yadav, Subhash Chandra Bera. PAPR reduction using clipping and filtering technique for nonlinear communication systems // IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation. 15−16 May 2015. P. 1220−1225.