A.L. Gorbunov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Professor, Adviser of Rector Office, Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation E-mail: a.gorbunov@mstuca.aero
E.E. Nechaev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Air Traffic Control, Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation
E-mail: e.nechaev@mstuca.aero
The paper considers the methods of solving the problem of unprofitability of the air traffic control in small airports. This problem is crucial for the renewal of regional airlines in Russia. We have carried out the analysis of the existing methods and highlighted the drawbacks for the known video panorama based approach. The advantages of the remote air traffic monitoring using virtual/augmented reality are shown. The stabile positioning of aircraft models in the virtual reality is a task to solve when using the automatic dependent surveillance data. The paper describes the solution for the task.
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