V.V. Markelov – Post-graduate Student, ITMO University (Saint Petersburg)
E-mail: vvmarkelov@gmail.com
A.V. Shukalov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Main Designer - Deputy General Director,
JSC «EDB «Electroavtomatika» named after P.A.Yefimov» (Saint-Petersburg)
E-mail: aviation78@mail.ru
M.O. Kostishin – Ph.D.(Eng.), Head of Sector, JSC «EDB «Electroavtomatika» named after P.A.Yefimov» (Saint-Petersburg); Associate Professor, ITMO University (Saint Petersburg)
E-mail: maksim@kostishin.com
O.O. Zharinov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation E-mail: zharinov73@hotbox.ru
Considered the actual task of pointing the aircraft in time. Time guidance is a procedure for modeling the movement of an aircraft from one point to another. The optimization parameter in the simulation process is flight time. It was proposed to simulate the flight trajectory in the onboard navigation complex directly in the course of the air traffic of the aircraft. The simulation results are presented: the route of the aircraft and the estimated time of arrival at the waypoint. It is shown that the proposed methodology of the temporary management of the aircraft provides the necessary information support for the crew during the flight. It is assumed that the trajectory of the aircraft and estimates of the time for movement are indicated on the onboard means of displaying information. Telemetry information on the estimated flight time transmitted to ground control stations, allows you to organize a safe air traffic, which was tested in practice.
- Markelov V.V., Kostishin M.O., Zharinov I.O., Nechaev V.A., Zakoldaev D.A. Princzipy’ indikaczii marshrutny’x traektorij poleta letatel’nogo apparata na e’krane bortovy’x sredstv otobrazheniya informaczii // Nauchno-texnich. vestnik informaczionny’x texnologij, mexaniki i optiki. 2016. T. 16. № 1. S. 96−107.
- Markelov V.V., Shukalov A.V., Kostishin M.O., Zharinov I.O., Nechaev V.A. Algoritm rascheta navigaczionny’x parametrov poleta letatel’nogo apparata po marshrutam zonal’noj navigaczii // Mexatronika, avtomatizacziya, upravlenie. 2016. T. 17. № 10. S. 697−702.
- Markelov V., Shukalov A., Zharinov I., Kostishin M., Kniga I. The course correction implementation of the inertial navigation system based on the information from the aircraft satellite navigation system before take-off // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2016. V. 124. № 1. Art. 012020.
- Markelov V.V., Shukalov A.V., Zharinov I.O., Kostishin M.O., Ershov A.N. Constructing and displaying the trajectory path on the aircraft on-board cockpit multifunction displays // Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 2016. V. 9. № 21. Art.95219.
- Markelov V.V., Shukalov A.V., Kostishin M.O., Zharinov I.O., Zharinov O.O. Modelirovanie besplatformennoj inerczial’noj navigaczionnoj sistemy’ v sostave stenda navigaczionnogo kompleksa letatel’nogo apparata // Nauchno-texnich. vestnik informaczionny’x texnologij, mexaniki i optiki. 2017. T. 17. № 5. S. 903−909.
- Markelov V.V., Gur’yanov A.V., Shukalov A.V., Kostishin M.O., Zharinov O.O. Modelirovanie raschetnoj pogreshnosti inerczial’noj navigaczionnoj sistemy’ v zadachax obespecheniya informaczionnoj podderzhki e’kipazha // Radiotexnika. 2017. № 8. S. 56−61.