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Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
Thermal conditions the orbital phased array with a horn radiator
Type of article:
scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-201810-10
UDC: 536.33
the thermal conditions orbital array
array with the horn radiator
radiation of thermal energy is provided by a horn radiator.
Z.A. Yanukyan – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow);
Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) E-mail: yanukyan33@mail.ru
The thermal conditions orbital planar array with the horn radiator is considered. The solution of the central problem of radiation of thermal energy is provided by a horn radiator.
Pages: 75-80
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Date of receipt: 17 сентября 2018 г.