A.Yu. Baraboshin – Head of Laboratory, Saratov branch of Radio Research and Development Institute E-mail: bay@soniir.ru
V.Ya. Nikolaeva – Engineer, Saratov branch of Radio Research and Development Institute
E-mail: nikolaeva_v_94@mail.ru
A.P. Trofimov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Saratov branch of Radio Research and Development Institute E-mail: tap@soniir.ru
V.V. Yudin – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Laboratory, Saratov branch of Radio Research and Development Institute E-mail: uvv@soniir.ru
The article discusses the problem of the out-of-band interference suppression in the linear circuits of HF radio systems based on the in-phase-antiphase and quadrature processing signal vectors to solve the problem of protection of the radio system in the combined HF band transmitting receiving radio center from blocking interference of the own transmitter. On the basis of the general weight vector orthogonalizatoin method to signal vectors the specific algorithm of blocking interference suppression and it's schematic implementation based on the linear circuit was developed. Herewith the significant limitations was considered when the components phases of the signal vectors were influenced. The results of computer-statistical modeling of the algorithm and the interference suppression circuit were provided, which show a significant effect of the suppression with slight deterioration in sensitivity.
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