A.L. Gelgor – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Higher School of Applied Physics and Space Technologies, Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
E-mail: a_gelgor@mail.ru
A.I. Gorlov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Assistant, Higher School of Applied Physics and Space Technologies, Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
E-mail: anton.gorlov@yandex.ru
Nguyen Van Phe – Post-graduate Student, Higher School of Applied Physics and Space Technologies, Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
E-mail: nvphe1905@gmail.com
In this paper, we propose the new multicarrier signals, which derived from the OFDM signals by element-wise multiplying OFDM-symbol with a special pulse in time domain, thus introducing ISI. It is equivalent to linear modulation (convolution) of OFDM spectrum samples with a spectral pulse corresponding to the time domain pulse. Pulses are obtained as a solution of linear optimization problem with criterion of maximization free Euclidean distance. This optimization technique was firstly proposed by Said for single carrier partial response signals (PRS). The techniques of improving bandwidth efficiency for OFDM are usually called SEFDM, hence, we use the term PR-SEFDM to identify proposed signals. We propose to implement generation and detection of PR-SEFDM signals in frequency domain as it is done for OFDM. The Viterbi algorithm is used for demodulation by processing spectral samples of PR-SEFDM signals. This approach allows detection SEFDM signal with a large number of subcarriers. In this work, we analyze the PR-SEFDM mode with the controlled ISI, in which one subcarrier interferes with seven adjacent subcarriers. The numerical results of bandwidth and energy efficiencies for PR-SEFDM are presented. The proposed PR-SEFDM signals provides a lower bandwidth consumption with respect to SEFDM signals under a fixed energy consumption and fixed computational complexity of detection algorithm.
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