Yu.N. Guskov – Ph. D. (Eng.), JSC «Corporation «Fazotron-NIIR» (Moscow)
E-mail: guskov@phasotron.com
N.Yu. Zhiburtovich – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, JSC «Corporation «Fazotron-NIIR» (Moscow) E-mail: zhiburtovichnyu@phasotron.com
With the development of aviation technology and, in particular, the transition to a multifunctional airborne radar, which is typical for multi-purpose fourth generation aircraft that exceeded some «threshold of complexity» technique, in which the costs of service to be unacceptably large, and the combat readiness of aviation equipment is being questioned. The level of complexity of sets of planes following generations (from 4++ ÷ 6) inevitably increases, for example, extends the functional capabilities of the airborne radar, indicating the need for a new approach to ensuring the reliability of military aircraft. On the basis of generalization of the advanced world experience of the solution of such problematic tasks are formulated the concept of reliability of aviation equipment as an important reserve of high combat readiness. The main issue here is the notion that without high reliability of equipment its high combat effectiveness will remain a mere illusion to the Customer.
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