Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Taking note of the spreading surface on the disseminating properties of radar reflectors
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 621.396.96

A.F. Kriachko – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Radio Technical and Optoelectronic Complex, Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation


V.M. Lihachov – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Radio Technical and Optoelectronic Complex, Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation



In the article considered method of mirror images for calculation of large electric sizes land radar targets secondary radiation. Analysis of ground radar targets and their orientation relative to the radar shows that a significant contribution to the reflected signal energy making local scattering sites, as well as the presence of the underlying surface.

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Date of receipt: 28 февраля 2017 г.