Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Compensation method of frequency bandwidth expansion for high-effective acousto-optic spectrum
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 621.382

B.S. Gurevich – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Medical Radio Electronics, 

Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation


K.V. Zaichenko – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Medical Radio Electronics, 

Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation E-mail:


The method of frequency bandwidth expanding over the value of one octave in high-effective acousto-optic spectrum analyzers, has been considered and analyzed. This method foresees the second diffraction order compensation by means of specially introduced signal with double frequency into the Bragg cell. The results of modeling and experiments which confirm the method efficiency, have been listed.

Pages: 5-9
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